.204 & .223/5.56 Thompson Center Compass NT-Mags & AICS Adapter Now Available! 5.56 T/C Venture NT-Mags Coming Soon!

We’ve managed to pick up a 5.56 T/C Compass II rifle to finalize our Compass NT-Mags for that caliber range; the 5 round capacity version is now available in our shop (10 round version coming in the next few days!) along with a .204, .223/5.56 AICS adapter for the Compass! We’ve also sent final versions of our 5.56 NT-Mags for the Thompson Center Venture line of rifles out to a person who will be doing the final testing for us on that version so we can get it released in the next couple days as well.

Available quantities of the new caliber range mags will be low at first while we build up stock of each version (quantity shown in our shop inventory will be accurate), but more will be made daily!

Our 5-round T/C Compass NT-Mag for the .204 and .223/5.56 caliber range, available now!

Our NT-Mag AICS Adapter for the .204 and .223/5.56 caliber range Thompson Center Compass rifles, available now!

Our 5-round T/C Venture NT-Mag for the .204 and .223/5.56 caliber range, to be available within the next week!
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